Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas

Not a whole lot of pictures of Christmas and Christmas Eve. Got the traditional pajamas on Christmas Eve -- whew -- I managed to please again! Always happy when I manage to get something they ALL like!

Picture of the kids with the blankets Grandma Wells made them.

First family picture in a long time. Set the camera timer and ran -- SMILE!
GAG! I hate pictures of me.

Sophia is 4!

Just a fun little picture of Soph on her 4th birthday. She gets so stoked about her birthday starting about June when Mariah has hers. Such a let down when it is over. She told me yesterday that since it's not her birthday anymore she's not 4. She was very sad about that. Ahhhh.

Think maybe she's a Dora fan or FAN-ATIC?

Band Concert

Tucker and Mariah had a Christmas band concert on the 16th of December. I had to take a few pictures of them. This was Mariah's first concert and Tucker's first one wearing a tux shirt. He hates it!

This is a picture I took of Keagan that night - I just liked it. He's such a handsome kid!