Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Keagan's Birthday

Keagan just turned 6! With all my other kids it's always been "WOW! I can't believe they are that old!" But with Keagan, it's always seemed like when his birthdays come I'm thinking "It's about time!" He has always seemed older to me than he really is. He's in kindergarten this year and he seems to like it. Kindergarten is all day every day here now, it really takes a toll on him. Here are couple of pictures from his little party.

You think his favorite color is green? I let the kids do the sprinkles -- we didn't have many left after that!!

His dad wasn't too sure about this gift!! He was wrong! It's been a big hit with all the kids -- Even Soph!! Funny enough, Tucker plays the kindergarten games on it. He thinks they are fun. I guess we all have to feel smart once in a while.

That's Kayd, my best friend's daughter. She stuck her lips in a cupcake -- thought she was pretty funny so she demanded a photo. She actually is pretty funny. That, of course is Soph as well. I really do wash her hair every once in a while, she decided to cover her hair in Aquaphor. That's stuff is very difficult to get out. Her hair was greasy for quite a while.

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